Successful web design firms.


New Member
It is quite difficult to price a project created by a firm as it depends on numerous factors like job requirements, amount of work outsourced etc. However, the only factor your client is concerned about is the cost. So, the easiest way to handle this is to break it down into who does what job at your web design firm . The first category of jobs has to do with the creative process that goes into creating a website which includes graphic designers, copy writers etc. Many people who use the services of a web design firm may even wonder if this type of work is necessary. Here is a list of things the creative people on your team need to know.

Photoshop: Photoshop and other similar software are important, but it is also complicated and it can take a long time before someone can truly consider themselves an expert on the subject. However, if you do understand it, you can design logos, buttons, and other artwork for the website.

Web Languages: Web browsers have to be told what they should be doing at any given time and the only way to do this is to understand the language the browser speaks. The more popular ones are HTML and JavaScript, but CSS, PHP, ColdFusion, and others might be necessary as well.

Marketing: SEO is an important factor. Most clients are not aware about it, or how it works.

Usability: If a website is not usable by its customers, its existence is meaningless.

Good Content: A website has to have content and preferably good content. Someone has to create it; it does not come along with a free web template.

Interaction: Good websites have features that allow customers to interact. Shopping carts and feedback forums are just a few. A good programmer can provide these. Always select a professional web design firm who takes care of all these features.


Well-Known Member
The cost wouldn't be the only factor that concerns them; quality is important to them as well.

Yes, PhotoShop is unfortunately an important tool for any kind design; web, game, advertising, etc. I say "unfortunately" because it gets on my nerves. It is practically an arch-nemesis - but I think we could make friends, hopefully in the near future. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is necessary these days; you are expected to use it, and it is much easier to read through (especially with external styling) and edit any changes you may have to make later, than is in-document styling. You are right -- clients don't know much about the process at all, mostly because they don't care about it. They only care about you hand back to them, and the final product.