Pronunciation Question


New Member
Pronunciation Question

Recently, I got interested in Egyptian mythology and, against my better judgement, indulged the urge to write a story based on it. Despite the ludicruously scarce research material I could find [except online], I sat down and began to write. Five chapters in, I have a rather large problem.
I can't pronounce the danged title. Yes, I was so silly as to pick a title that I couldn't exactly pronounce.
The title in question is "Rehui" and while it may be short, I'm not exactly a master of Egyptian phonetics anyway. It's giving me problems. Some say teh "h" is silent and others pronounce it in a way I'm not sure I have the vocal chords for.
Does anyone out there know how I'm supposed to say this? It's due on the 20th, so I'd appreciate any help.